Here is my Solar System for the Game Design and Development 1 Course.

I've made the following modifications to the project:

  1. I set the Main Camera's field of View to 70 instead of 60.
  2. I left the Sun at 0 intensity so it wouldn't get a shadow. I also set its Light Component to cast shadows by choosing 'Hard Shadows' under Shadow Type, instead of 'No shadows'.
  3. I added Mercury, Venus and Mars with the necessary Components (Material, Audio & Behaviour).
  4. I added a Halo Effect Component to my Sun to represent its shine (at first I added an extra light and made it a child of the Sun, but then I discovered the Halo Component under Effects).
  5. I added a Halo effect to my Earth, Venus and Mars to represent their atmospheres.
  6. I played with the Color of the comet's trail so it would have a Gradient. I also changed it's Destroy Distance from 20 to 60. The Far Clipping Plane of my Main Camera is also set to 60.
  7. I changed the Audio Volume Rolloff from Logarithmic to a custom one because the logarithmic one wouldn't go mute after my max distance.
  8. I played with the Minimap Camera's Size so Mars wouldn't disappear.

These are the main changes I've made, thank you for reviewing my first project!

*No planets were hurt in the making of this project*


Abril Asselin-Gonzalez


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